Józef Poniatowski
Persons, originating from Poland

Józef Poniatowski

Born 7 May 1763 in Vienna
Died October 19, 1831 near Leipzig, Germany
Józef Antoni Poniatowski was a Polish nobleman, general, minister of war and army chief, who became a Marshal of the French Empire during the Napoleonic Wars.
A staunch ally and supporter of Emperor Napoleon I of France, Poniatowski voluntarily took part in the French invasion of Russia of 1812. Injuries received during the fighting for Moscow eventually forced his return to Warsaw, where he worked on the reconstruction of the Polish forces intended to fight in Germany. Covering the retreat of the French army after Napoleon lost the 'Battle of the Nations' at Leipzig (1813), Poniatowski was repeatedly wounded and drowned in the Elster river.
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Polonica stamps:

United Arab Emirates 1972, 01 I